Naomi Enzinna, a doctoral student in linguistics working on speech patterns
Systematic study of human language

Department of Linguistics

Linguistics, the systematic study of human language, lies at the crossroads of the humanities and the social sciences, drawing on a special combination of intuition and rigor that the analysis of language demands. 

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Linguistics Events

Feb 26
Wednesday 04:30 PM
Feb 26
Wednesday 04:30 PM
Mar 05
Wednesday 04:30 PM
Mar 11
Tuesday 05:00 PM

The Narrative Brain

A.D. White House Guerlac
Mar 12
Wednesday 04:30 PM
Scales of justice

Language & the Law - LING 2223

Discover how language impacts the theory and practice of law. Topics include: origins of legal language, linguistics in the courtroom, plagiarism and language rights. This course also introduces areas of linguistics such as syntax, semantics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics, which explicate a wide range of legal matters where both spoken and written language come to fore.

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The year the department was founded
Number of distinct languages spoken throughout the world
Endangered languages spoken in the United States