
MA/PhD Alumni

Alumni: Please send updated information to Heather Russell ( 


Drigo, Jasmim, Ph.D.
"i-stem Adjectives in Indo-European"
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Galway

Gao, Jing, Ph.D.
"Mandarin Existential Sentences Revisited"
Special Associate Research Fellow, South China Normal University

Kwong, Kevin, Ph.D.
"Case and agreement in nominal and verbal domains, infinitives, and cross-clausal dependencies: Studies in Kashmiri and Hungarian"

Lamp, Kaelyn, Ph.D.
"A Linguistic Analysis of Causality in Hate Speech"


Francesco Burroni, Ph.D.
"Dynamics of F0 Planning and Production: Contextual and Rate Effects on Thai Tone Gestures"
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing (IPS), LMU Munich

Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir MacDonald, Ph.D.
"Corpus, Articulatory, & Acoustic Studies of Fricative Lenition in Icelandic: Linguistic Factors & Speaker Specific Patterns"

Sireemas Maspong, Ph.D.
"Synchrony and Diachrony of Vowel Quality Differences across Registers in Mon-Khmer Languages "
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Phonetics and Speech Processing (IPS), LMU Munich

Hitomi Minamida, Ph.D.
"Wh-Prosody, Locality, and Lexical Pitch Accent in Wh-in-situ Languages"
Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Rochester Institute of Technology

Eszter Otott-Kovacs, Ph.D.
"Differential Subject Marking in Kazakh"

Frances Sobolak, Ph.D.
"The Event Structure of Light Verbs"

Lingzi Zhuang, Ph.D.
"The Surprise Factor: A Semantic Theory of Mirativity"
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Linguistics Language Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga


Katie Blake, Ph.D.
"Phonological Markedness Effects on Noun-Adjective Ordering"
Language Data Scientist, Amazon

Dan Burgdorf, Ph.D.
"The Consonant/Vowel Distinction: A Cognitive Difference Evidenced by Glides"

Forrest Davis, Ph.D.
"On the Limitations of Data: Mismatches Between Neural Models of Language and Humans"
Assistant Professor, Colgate University

Mia Gong, Ph.D.
"On the Syntax of Phrasal Movement and the Interpretation of Chains"
Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz

Seung-Eun Kim, Ph.D.
"Experimental and Computational Investigations of F0 Control"
Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University

Rachel Vogel, Ph.D.
"Phonology of Vowel Devoicing: A Typological Perspective"
Student, Yale Law School


Mary Moroney, Ph.D.
"Definiteness and Quantification: Evidence from Shan"
Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester

Ekarina Winarto, Ph.D.
"Word Order: Case Study of Scrambling & Object Shift in Indonesian"
Linguist & Localization Consultant at Lausanne Business Solutions
Lecturer at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

Mia Windhearn, Ph.D.
"Alternatives, Exclusivity, and Underspecification"
Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer, Heinrich-Heine University


Jacob Collard, Ph.D.
"A Model of Unsupervised Formal Learning for Natural Language"
Post-doctoral researcher, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Carol-Rose Little, Ph.D.
"Mutual Dependencies of Nominal and Clausal Syntax in Ch'ol"
Assistant Professor at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma

Hasan Sezer, Ph.D.
"Puzzling Reflexive Kendi in Turkish and its Implications for the Parser"
Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Istanbul Health and Technology University

Ryan Windhearn, Ph.D.
"Evidence from Innovation: Reconstructing Disharmonic Headedness for Proto-Indo-European"
Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics at Concordia University


Shohini Bhattasali, Ph.D.
“A Neurolinguistic Approach to Noncompositionality and Argument Structure"
Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics at the Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto

Jixing Li, Ph.D.
"Neural Mechanisms of Pronoun Resolution"
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Translation and the Department of Behavior and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

Kim Will, Ph.D.
"The Semantic and Pragmatic Functions of Partitive Clitic NE in Standard Italian"

Mark Schneider, M.A.
"Quechua Language Use and Attitudes in Cusco, Peru"
Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano in Cusco, Peru


Emily Barth, Ph.D.
“Adverbial Accent Shift in Vedic Sanskrit"
Faculty and Curator of the McCarl Coverlet Gallery at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA
Traditional Fiber Artist & Latin Teacher at Valley School of Ligonier, Pennsylvania

Christina Bjorndahl, Ph.D.
“A Story of /v/: Voiced Spirants in the Obstruent-Sonorant Divide”
Special Faculty (Teaching & Linguistic Pedagogy) in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University

Sarah D'Antonio, Ph.D.
"How Reasonable is 'Reasonable'? A Study of U.S. Jury Instructions"
Senior Intelligence Associate at Point72

Naomi Enzinna, Ph.D.
“Automatic and Social Effects on Accommodation in Monolingual and Bilingual Speech”
Senior UX Researcher at UserZoom

Andrew Joseph, Ph.D.
"The Historical Phonology of Manchu Dialects"

Robin Karlin, Ph.D.
“Towards an Articulatory Model of Tone: a Cross-Linguistic Investigation”
Assistant Professor at the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Missouri

Ferdinan Kurniawan, Ph.D.
“Phonological Variation in Jakarta Indonesian: An Emerging Variety of Indonesian”
Lecturer of Linguistics at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia


Sarah Courtney, Ph.D.
"Agreement at the Boundaries: Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to φ-agreement in the Left Periphery"

Cara DiGirolamo, Ph.D.
"Head-Movement as Intra-Syntactic Morphology"
Author, MFA candidate at the University of British Columbia

Esra Predolac, Ph.D.
"The Syntax of Sentential Complementation in Turkish"
Lecturer, Turkish and Assistant Director (CREES) in Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures at the University of Kansas

Todd Snider, Ph.D.
"Anaphoric Reference to Propositions"
Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer at the Institut für Sprache und Information at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Hao Yi, Ph.D.
"Lexical Tone Gestures"
Senior Speech and Data Scientist, Nuance Communications, Inc.


Nan Li, Ph.D.
"T(ense) in Mandarin Chinese: Form and Meaning"
Speech and Data Scientist at Nuance Communications, Inc.

Chelsea Sanker, Ph.D.
"Patterns of Misperception of Arabic Guttural and Nonguttural Consonants"
Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University

Dhia Waheed, M.A.
"The Arabic Verb Forms and How they are Derived from Three Letter Roots Following Certain Patterns and the Unique Agreement between Subjects and Verbs"
Assistant Professor at The Defence Language Institute


Linda Heimisdottir, Ph.D.
"The Phonology of Aspiration in Icelandic: A gesture-based Approach"
Chief Operating Officer,  Miðeind ehf

Satoshi Ito, Ph.D.
"Bias and Prosody in Japanese Negative Polar Questions"
Assistant Professor, Mie University

Joshua Buffington, M.A.
PhD Candidate in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Marie-Josée L’Espérance, M.A.
"The Phonetics and Phonology of Liaison Consonants in Montreal French"
Communications & Marketing Manager, College Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes Longueuil, Quebec & Déménagement et Entreposage, La Prairie, Montreal, Canada

Zac Smith, M.A.
Technical Program Manager at Amazon, Alexa Natural Understanding

Christopher Sundita, M.A.
Conversational UX Designer at Walmart Global Tech


Becky Butler, Ph.D.
"Deconstructing the Southeast Asia Sesquisyllable: A Gestural Account"
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Linguistics & Southeast Asia Administrator, Carolina Asia Center, UNC–Chapel Hill

Zhong Chen, Ph.D.
"Animacy in Sentence Processing Across Languages: An Information-Theoretic Prospective"
Assistant Professor at Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Rochester Institute of Technology

Ika Nurhayani, Ph.D.
"A Unified Account of the Syntax of Valence in Javanese"
Head of the Linguistics Department at the University of Brawijaya

Anca Chereches, M.A.
Principal Consultant, Data Science & Analytics, Amey Strategic Consulting

Kyle Grove, M.A.
"Lexical Structure, Weightedness, and Information in Sentence Processing"
Senior Manager, Upwork

David Lutz, M.A.
Director of Data Science at Capital One


Edward Cormany, Ph.D.
"A Preference Analysis of Imperatives: Connecting Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics"
Technical Writer at Opentrons Labworks Inc

Masayuki Gibson, Ph.D.
"Lexical Tone, Intonation, and Their Interaction: A Scopal Theory of Tune Association"
Linguist and Speech Scientist, Synfonica LLC, Ithaca, NY

Jiwon Yun, Ph.D. 
"WH-Indefinites: Meaning and Prosody"
Associate Professor at the Department of Linguistics at Stony Brook University

Neil Ashton, M.A.
Writer and Computational Linguist

Natalia Buitrago, M.A. 
"Types of Focus in Spanish: Exploring the Connection Between Function and Realization"
Software Developer at Morgan Stanley

Alison Fisher, M.A.
Senior Creative Systems and Asset Specialist at J. Jill

Philip Robinson, M.A.
"Russian Genitive of Negation is Obligatory! (At Least When the Speaker Sort of Feels Like Using It)"
Director of Software Development at Cornell University Library


Marisa Boston, Ph.D.
"A Computational Model of Cognitive Constraints in Syntactic Locality"
Group Product Manager, Google

Adam Cooper, Ph.D. 
"Syllable Nucleus and Margin in Greek, Vedic, and Proto-Indo-European"
Associate Teaching Professor in Linguistics, Assistant Director & Faculty Advisor at Northeastern University

Octav Eugen DeLazero, Ph.D.
"Aspect in Syntax"
North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia

Tova Friedman, Ph.D.
"A Type-Based Approach to Adjectival Distribution"
Consultant at McKinsey and Company, Tel Aviv, Israel

Effi Georgala, Ph.D.
"Applicatives in their Structural and Thematic Function: A Minimalist Account of Multitransitivity"
Manager II NLP Research at Nuance Communication, Switzerland

Jonathan Howell, Ph.D.
"Meaning and Prosody: On the Web, in the Lab, and from the Theorist's Armchair"
Assistant Professor in Linguistics at Montclair State University

Seongyeon Ko, Ph.D.
"Tongue Root Harmony and Vowel Contrast in Northeast Asian Languages"
Associate Professor of Korean Language and Linguistics, Department of Classical, Middle Eastern, and Asian Languages & Cultures, Queens College, CUNY

Margaret E. L. Renwick, Ph.D.
"Vowels of Romanian: Historical, Phonological, and Phonetic Studies"
Associate Professor at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Georgia & Faculty at the UGA Institute for Artificial Intelligence 

Julie Balazs, M.A.
"The Syntax of Small Clauses"
Co-Owner & Speech-Language Pathologist at Our Village Therapy PLLC


Hyun Kyung Hwang, Ph.D.
"Scope, Prosody, and Pitch Accent: the Prosodic Marking of Wh-scope in Two Varieties of Japanese and South Kyeongsang Korean"
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, Japan

Nikola Predolac, Ph.D.
"Syntax and Information Structure: Free Constituent Order and Flexible Relative Prominence in Serbian"
Systems Analyst at the University of Kansas

Zhiguo Xie, Ph.D.
"The Relevance of Gradability in Natural Language: Chinese and English"
Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at The Ohio State University

Roman Bailey, M.A.
"Split Scope and Modality"

Steven Ikier, M.A.

Joanne Johnson, M.A.


Daniel Kaufman, Ph.D.
"The Morphosyntax of Tagalog Clitics: A Typologically Driven Approach"
Assistant Professor in Linguistics at Queens College, CUNY & Endangered Langauge Alliance


Johanna Brugman, Ph.D.
"Segments, Tones and Distribution in Khoekhoe Prosody"
Senior Principal Product Manager at Oracle

Clifford Crawford, Ph.D.
"Adaptation and Transmission in Japanese Loanword Phonology"
Mail Handler, United States Postal Service

Tejaswini Deoskar, Ph.D.
"Induction of Fine-grained Lexical Parameters of Treebank PCFGs with Inside-outside Estimation and Lexical Transformations"
Associate Professor in the Institute for Language Sciences, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University

Hongyuan Dong, Ph.D.
"Issues in the Semantics of Mandarin Questions"
Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Linguistics at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, the George Washington University

Ellert Thor Johannsson, Ph.D.
"Old High German 1st Person Plural Ending -mēs and Cod. Sang. 916"
Research Scholar in Lexical studies and Lexicography at the Arni Magnusson Institute, Iceland

Pittayawat Pittayaporn, Ph.D.
"The Phonology of Proto-Tai"
Associate professor in the Department of Linguistics, and head of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

Teresa Galloway, M.A.
Adjunct Lecturer at the Modern Languages Department at SUNY Cortland


Rina Kreitman, Ph.D.
"The Phonetics and Phonology of Onset Clusters: The Case of Modern Hebrew"
Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, School of Cultures and Languages, University of Kent

Hye-sook Lee, Ph.D.
"Pitch Accent and its Interaction with Intonation: Experimental Studies of North Kyeongsang Korean"
Independent Scholar

Yumiko Nishi, Ph.D.
"Verb Learning and the Acquisition of Aspect: Rethinking the Universality of Lexical Aspect and the Significance of L1 Transfer" 
Associate Professor of Japanese Linguistics and Pedagogy,  Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Iowa

Anastasia K. Riehl, Ph.D.
"The Phonology and Phonetics of Nasal-Obstruent Sequences"
Director of the Strathy Language Unit and Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Kazuha Watanabe, Ph.D.
"Tense and Aspect in Old Japanese: Synchronic, Diachronic, and Typological Perspectives"
Associate Professor of Japanese, and Japanese Program Coordinator, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, California State University, Fullerton

Kyoko Yamakoshi, Ph.D.
"The Acquisition of Quantifier Scope Interaction: Children's Interpretation of Quantifier Scope Interaction in English and Japanese"
Associate Professor in the Department of Languages and Culture at Ochanomizu University, Japan

Yuping Zhou, Ph.D.
"Towards a Dynamic, Ambiguity-Rich Semantics -- Inspired by a Corpus Study on the Negation~Quantifier Scope Ambiguity"

Ásgrímur Angantýsson, M.A.
"Embedded Fronting Constructions in Icelandic"
Professor at The Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Iceland

Serena Crivellaro, M.A.
"Investigating Prosodic Boundaries"
Managing Director at KPMG


Aggrey Wasike, Ph.D.
"The Left Periphery, Wh-In-Situ and A-Bar Movement in Lubukusu and Other Bantu Languages"
Associate Professor in African Studies at New College, University of Toronto, Canada


Diego De Acosta, Ph.D.
"Have + Perfect Participle in Romance and English: Synchrony and Diachrony"
Qualitative Researcher, National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (University of Minnesota)

Irene Mittelberg, Ph.D.
"Metaphor and Metonymy in Language and Gesture: Discourse Evidence for Multimodal Models of Grammar"
Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics at the Institute for English, American, and Romance Studies of RWTH Aachen University, Germany 


Marc Brunelle, Ph.D.
"Register in Eastern Chan: Phonological, Phonetic, and Sociolinguistic Approaches"
Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Ottawa, Canada

Tanya Matthews, Ph.D.
"From Category Label to Discourse Strategies: Girls' Categorization Practices at Millcreek High"
Director, Human Research Protection Program, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Sang Doh Park, Ph.D.
"Parameters of Passive Constructions in English and Korean"
Korea Soongsil Cyber University

Marek Przezdziecki, Ph.D.
"Vowel Harmony and Coarticulation in Three Dialects of Yoruba: Phonetics Determining Phonology"
Prog Analyst Spec, Office of Information Technology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), Cornell

Devon Strolovitch, Ph.D.
"Old Portuguese in Hebrew Script: Convention, Contact, and Convivência"
Audio Producer, Senior Producer of Philosophy Talk


Niken Adisasmito-Smith, Ph.D.
"Phonetic and Phonological Influences of Javanese on Indonesian"
Part Time Faculty at Department of Linguistics California State University, Fresno

Edith Aldridge, Ph.D.
"Ergativity and Word Order in Austranesian Languages"
Research Fellow at Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Arthur Bell, Ph.D.
"Bipartite Negation and the Fine Structure of the Negative Phrase"
Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State

Steven Bonta, Ph.D.
"Negombo Fisherman's Tamil: A Case of Contact-Induced Language Change from Sri Lanka"
Instructor of English and Spanish

Marisol del Teso-Craviotto, Ph.D.
"Games People Play: The Linguistic Construction of Gender and Sexuality in Spanish and English Internet Chats"
Associate Professor in Spanish at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Miami University

Rachel Hastings, Ph.D.
"The Syntax and Semantics of Relativization and Quantification: The Case of Quechua"
Faculty in Languages & Linguistics, Mathematics, Evergreen State College

Eungyeong Kang, Ph.D.
"Edge-Demarcation in Phonology"

Changguk Yim, Ph.D.
"The EPP and Nominal/Predicational PP's in English and Korean"
Professor at Department of English Language & Literature, Chung-Ang University, South Korea

Jiahong Yuan, Ph.D.
"Intonation in Mandarin Chinese: Acoustics, Perception, and Computational Modeling"
Baidu Research, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Jorge Luis Torres-Lumsden, M.A.
Data Integration and Conversion Specialist (Incisive Consultants, Lead EMPI Engineer, Apex Systems)


Yoshihito Dobashi, Ph.D.
"Phonological Phrasing and Syntactic Derivation"
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Niigata University, Japan

Evelyn Browne, M.A.
Technical Editor - COPS Office Publishing Team, DOJ, TekPro Services

Budzani Gabanamotse, M.A.
"Serial Verbs in Naro"
Associate Professor, Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Botswana, Botswana

Meehyei Lee, M.A.
"Topics in Korean Mimetic Expressions"
Senior Lecturer, Korean Language, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley


Josep Alba-Salas, Ph.D.
"Light Verb Constructions in Romance: A Syntactic Analysis"
Professor and Department Chair of Spanish at The College of the Holy Cross

María Blume del Río, Ph.D.
"Discourse Morphosyntax Interface in Spanish Non-Finite Verbs: A Comparison Between Adult and Child Grammars"
Professor, Academic Department of Humanities -Linguistics and Literature Section, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú

Nuria Lopez Ortega, Ph.D.
"The Development of Discourse Competence in Study Abroad Learners: A Study of Subject Expression in Spanish as a Second Language"
Educator Associate Professor, Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati

Whitney Anne Postman-Caucheteux, Ph.D.
"Thematic Role Assignment in Indonesian: A Case Study of Agrammatic Aphasia"
Assistant Professor and Director of the Neuro-Rehabilitation of Language Laboratory, Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, Doisy College of Health Sciences, St. Louis, MO

Youngsun Kim, M.A.

Paul Washburn, M.A.


Jennifer Austin, Ph.D.
"Language Mixing and the Acquisition of Morphosyntax in Basque/Spanish Bilingual Children"
Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Rutgers University-Newark

Haraldur Bernharðsson, Ph.D.
"Verner's Law in Gothic"
Associate Professor of Medieval Studies, The Department of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Iceland

Traci Suiter, Ph.D.
"Linguistic Foundations of Investigative Discourse Analysis and Content Based Criteria Analysis"

Yue Wang, Ph.D.
"Perception, Production, and Neurophysiological Processing of Lexical Tone by Native and Non-Native Speakers"
Professor, Director of Language and Brain Lab, Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University

Maria Theresa Savella, M.A.
Senior Lecturer in Tagalog, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University

Pack-Ling Tan, M.A.


Doris Borrelli, Ph.D.
"Raddoppiamento Sintattico in Italian: A Synchronic and Diachronic Cross-Dialectal Study"

Bruce Cain, Ph.D.
"Dhivehi: Synchronic and Diachronic Study"

Theresa Case, Ph.D.
"Kana in the Eighth Century: An Ancient Japanese Writing System"

Lisa Lavoie, Ph.D.
"Phonological Patterns and Phonetic Manifestations of Consonant Weakening"
Linguist at Decision Point Healthcare Solutions, Speech Scientist and Teacher

Takashi Toyoshima, Ph.D.
"Head-to-Spec Movement and Dynamic Economy"
Professor, Faculty of Letters Department of English, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan

Kasumi Yamamoto, Ph.D.
"The Acquisition of Japanese Numeral Classifiers"
Frank M. Gagliardi Professor of Japanese, Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Williams College

Frederick Hoyt, M.A.
"Agreement, Specificity Effects, and Phrase Structure in Rural Palestinian Arabic Existential Constructions"


Kevin Connelly, Ph.D.
"The Textual Function of Onondaga Aspect, Mood, and Tense: A journey into Onondaga Conceptual Space"
Language Revitalization Consultant, Onondaga Reservation, Upstate New York

Tobey Doeleman (Nelson), Ph.D.
"The Role of Phonological Features in the Internal Representation of American English Consonants: Evidence from Behavioral, Neuroimaging & Computational Modeling Approaches"
University Lecturer (Docent Engels) at Hogeschool University of Applied Sciences Utrecht , The Netherlands

Kirsten Fudeman, Ph.D.
"Topics in the Morphology and Syntax of Balanta, an Atlantic Language of Senegal"
Director of Digital Marketing and Analytics at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Patricia Genung, Ph.D.
"Subject-Verb Agreement in German Embedded Clauses: A Study of Classroom Learner Production"
Lecturer at The Jefferson Educational Society, Retired Brigadier General

Takashi Nakajima, Ph.D.
"Word Order in the Minimalist Program: A Derivational Approach"
Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Sciences, Toyama Prefectural University

David Parkinson, Ph.D.
"The Interaction of Syntax and Morphology in the Acquisition of Inuktitut"

Jorge Pérez-Silva, Ph.D.
"The Psycholinguistic Basis of Andean Spanish Morphosyntax"
Professor of Linguistics, Department of Humanities, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Eun Cho, M.A.

Yonghong Mao, M.A.
"Islands and Resumptive Pronouns in Chinese Relative Clauses"
Software Architect at Oracle


Jonathan Alcantara, Ph.D.
"The Architecture of the English Lexicon"
Senior Technical Project Manager, Nuance Communications 

Ewa Dornisch, Ph.D.
"Multiple-wh-Questions in Polish: The Interactions Between Wh-phrases and Clitics"

William Ham, Ph.D.
"Phonetic and Phonological Aspects of Geminate Timing"
Senior Principal Research Application Scientist, NLP Research, Microsoft Corporation

Kunio Nishiyama, Ph.D.
"The Morphosyntax and Morphophonology of Japanese Predicates"
Professor, Department of Humanities, Ibaraki University, Japan

Mandy Simons, Ph.D.
"Or: Issues in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Disjunction"
Professor, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University & Adjunct Faculty, Linguistics department at the University of Pittsburgh


Ioana Chitoran, Ph.D.
"The Phonology and Morphology of Romanian Glides and Diphthongs: A Constraint-based Approach"
Professor of Linguistics, University of Paris, France

Antony Green, Ph.D.
"The Prosodic Structure of Irish, Scots Gaelic, and Manx"
University of Potsdam, Germany

Hyunsoon Kim, Ph.D.
"The Phonological Representation of Affricates: Evidence from Korean & Other Languages"
Professor in Phonetics and Phonology, Department of English, Hongik University, South Korea

Rebecca Letterman, Ph.D.
"The Effects of Word-Internal Prosody in Sinhala: A Constraint-Based Analysis"
Professor of Spiritual Formation at Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester

Asun Martinez-Arbelaiz, Ph.D.
"The Syntax and Semantics of Conditional Clauses: Evidence form Spanish and Basque"
Spanish Language Coordinator, University Studies Abroad Consortium, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain

Ignazio Mirto, Ph.D.
"The Syntax of the Meronymic Construction"
Associate Professor in Linguistics at the Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy

Akinloye Ojo, M.A.
"Incorporation of Words into Yoruba: A Sociolinguistic and Phonological Analysis"
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, University of Georgia

Aneta Pavlenko, Ph.D.
"Bilingualism and Cognition"
Professor of Applied Linguistics, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo, Norway

Ayako Tsuchida, Ph.D.
"Phonetics and Phonology of Japanese Vowel Devoicing"

Ratree Wayland, Ph.D.
"Acoustic and Perceptual Investigation of Breathy and Clear Phonation in Chanthaburi Khmer: Implications for the History of Khmer Phonology"
Associate Professor of Linguistics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida

Eun-Young Yi, Ph.D.
"Re- and De-Constructing Coordination in Korean"
McKinsey & Company

David Brandt, M.A.
"Using Neural Networks and Sonority Theory for Automatic Segmentation of Speech"
Technical consultant in Boston, MA

Justin Spence, M.A.
"Feature Checking and Subject Position in Kiswahili Tensed Relative Clauses"
Associate Professor, Department of Native American Studies, U.C. Davis


Barbara Avila-Shah, Ph.D.
"Subject Pronoun Expression in Puerto Rican Spanish: A Sociolinguistic, Morphological, and Discourse Analysis"
Language Coordinator, Adjunct Assistant Professor in Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Buffalo

Wing Ming Chan, Ph.D.
"On the Theory of Aspect and Chinese Aspect Systems"
Web Developer, SUNY Upstate Medical University

Claire Foley, Ph.D.
"Knowledge of the Syntax of Operators in the Initial State: The Acquisition of Relative Clauses in French and English"
Lecturer in Linguistics at the Department of Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies at Boston College

Jeong-Im Han, Ph.D.
"The Phonetics and Phonology of Tense and Plain Consonants in Korean"
Professor, Department of English, Konkuk University, Korea

Michael Jessen, Ph.D.
"Phonetics and Phonology of the Tense and Lax Obstruents in German"
Forensic Expert at The Department of Speaker Identification and Audio Analysis Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, Germany

Vladimir Sedov, Ph.D.
"Lexical Means of Expressing the Category of Purpose in a Modern English Dictionary"

Chioko Takahashi, Ph.D.
"Multiplicity, Optionality, and Constraints on the Distribution of Nominative Case in Japanese"

Denise Meyer, M.A.
Proprietor of Backstory Badger – genealogical / biographical research services


John Bailyn, Ph.D.
"A Configurational Approach to Russian Free Word Order"
Professor at the Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University

Elaine Ballard, Ph.D.
"The Cologne Versions of Lanseloet van Denemerken: a Linguistics Analysis"
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Psychology, Faculty of Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Isabella Barbier, Ph.D.
"Configuration and Movement: Studies of the First Language Acquisition of Dutch Word-Order"
Customer Experience Data Manager at

Laurent Dekydtspotter, Ph.D.
"Null Operator-Variable Structure, Predication and the Interpretive Interface"
Professor of Second Language Studies (Department Chair), French and Italian, Indiana University, Bloomington

Raul Elias-Cintron, Ph.D.
"Towards a General Theory of Agreement: A Psycholinguistic Study of Spanish Gender"
Director of Global Purchasing, Fragrance Chemicals Firmenich S.A. Geneva Switzerland

Thórhallur Eythórsson, Ph.D.
"The Syntax of Verbs in the Early Germanic Languages"
Professor in Linguistics and English, Faculty of Languages and Culture, University of Iceland

Beverley Goodman, Ph.D.
"Features in Ponapean Phonology"

Luis Lopez Carretero, Ph.D.
"Polarity and Predicate Anaphora"
Professor of Spanish linguistics, Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Corinne Moore, Ph.D.
"Speaker & Rate Normalization in the Perception of Lexical Tone by Mandarin & English Listeners"
Engineering Manager at Liberty Mutual Insurance

Lynn Santelmann, Ph.D.
"The Acquisition of Verb Second Grammar in Child Swedish: Continuity of Universal Grammar in Wh-Questions, Topicalization & Verb Raising"
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Applied Linguistics, Portland State University

Yuko Yanagida, Ph.D.
"Focus Projection and WH-Head Movement"
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Tsukuba

Kaori Ueki, M.A.
"A Study of Social Variation in Edo Japanese"
PhD in Linguistics, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2011


Maher Bahloul, Ph.D.
"The Syntax and Semantics of Taxis Aspect, Tense and Modality in Standard Arabic"
Visiting Scholar, Cornell University

Ruriko Kawashima, Ph.D.
"The Structure of Noun Phrases and the Interpretation of Quantificational NPs in Japanese"
Meiji Gakuin University, Japan

Emiko Konomi, Ph.D.
"The Structure of Nominal Predicate in Japanese"

William McClure, Ph.D.
"Syntactic Projections of the Semantics of Aspect"

Edward Rubin, Ph.D.
"Modification: A Syntactic Analysis and its Consequences"
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Utah

Adam Wyner, Ph.D.
"Boolean Event Lattices and Thematic Roles in the Syntax and Semantics of Adverbial Modification"
Associate Professor in Law and Computer Science, Swansea Univesity, UK, and the programme lead on the LLM in LegalTech

Raja Bahloul, M.A.
"Inflectional Morphology, Negation, and the Clausal Structure in Tunisian Arabic"

Zelmira Nunez del Prado, M.A.


Noura Belazi, Ph.D.
"Semantics and Pragmatics of the Tunisian Tenses and Aspects"

Ann Bradlow, Ph.D.
"Language-Specific & Universal Aspects of VowelProduction & Perception: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Vowel Inventories"
Abraham Harris Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern University

Harry Howard, Jr., Ph.D.
"Sigma P, Affective Inversion, and Topicalization in English and Spanish"

Tamar Kaplan, Ph.D.
"The Second Language Acquisition of Functional Categories: Complementizer Phrases in English and Japanese"

Gita Martohardjono, Ph.D.
"WH-movement in the Acquisition of a L2: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Three Languages With and Without Overt Movement"

Erika Mitchell, Ph.D.
"Morphological Evidence for Syntactic Structure: The Finno-Ugric Languages & English"

Leslie Porterfield, Ph.D.

Gudrun Thorhallsdottir, Ph.D.
"The Development of Intervocalic *j in Proto-Germanic"
Associate Professor of Icelandic, The Department of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Iceland

Jacqueline Toribio, Ph.D.
"Parametric Variation in the Licensing of Nominals"

Alice Turk, Ph.D.
"Effects of Position-in-Syllable and Stress on Consonant Articulation"

Michael Weiss, Ph.D.
"Studies in Italic Nominal Morphology"
Professor and Chair, Department of Linguistics, Cornell University

Keiko Yoshida, Ph.D.
"Syntax and Semantics of WH-Quantifier Interactions"

Michael Bernstein, M.A.
Owner, Cascadilla Press

Natalia Diaz-Insense, M.A.

Regina Hauptmann, M.A.
"Sentential Negation in English and German: Problems in Syntax and L2 Acquisition"
Assistant Principal, Auburn School District, Washington


Yang Gu, Ph.D.
"The Syntax of Resultative and Causative Compounds in Chinese"
Associate Vice President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Elizabeth (Beth) Hume, Ph.D.
"Front Vowels, Coronal Consonants and their Interaction in Non-linear Phonology"
Emeritus Professor at the Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University

Yetunde Laniran, Ph.D.
"Intonation in Tone Languages: The Phonetic Implementation of Tones in Yoruba"
System Administrator and Owner
Senior Systems Administrator at Kaiser Permanente Hawaii

Der-Hwa Victoria Rau, Ph.D.
"A Grammar of Atayal"
Professor of Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Susana Sainz, Ph.D.
"A Noncyclic Approach to the Lexical Phonology of English"

David Silva, Ph.D.
"The Phonetics and Phonology of Stop Lenition in Korean"
Provost and Academic Vice President Salem State University

Lelwala Sumangala, Ph.D.
"Long Distance Dependencies in Sinhala: the Syntax of Focus and WH-Questions"

Tomoyuki Yoshida, Ph.D.
"Quantifiers and the Theory of Movement"
Professor at The Division of Arts and Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University

Renée Zakia, Ph.D.
"The Role of Transition Duration in the Perception of Speech and Nonspeech"


Hedi Belazi, Ph.D.
"Multilingualism in Tunisia and French/Arabic Code Switching among Educated Tunisian Bilinguals"

Christopher Brockett, Ph.D.
"Wa-marking in Japanese and the syntax and semantics of generic sentences"
Principal Researcher, Natural Language Processing Group, Microsoft Research

Katharine Davis, Ph.D.
"Phonetic and Phonological Contrasts in the Acquisition of Voicing: A Linguistic and Developmental Study of Voice Onset Time Production in Hindi and English"
Senior Manager, AI Specialists|Appen

Veneeta Dayal, Ph.D.
"Wh Dependencies in Hindi and the Theory of Grammar"
Dorothy R. Diebold Professor of Linguistics & DGS at The Department of Linguistics, Yale University

Jeong-Me Yoon, Ph.D.
"The Syntax of A-chains: A Typological Study of ECM and Scrambling"
Professor in English Language & Literature at Myongji University, Seoul

Deborah Friedman, M.A.

Steven Moore, M.A.
Executive/Leadership Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, Senior Consultant at Unify Consulting

Diana Roberts, M.A.
Senior Environmental Planner at ICF

Jenny Wang, M.A.


Rukayyah Herzallah, Ph.D.
"Aspects of Palestinian Arabic phonology : a non-linear approach"
Previously at An-Najah National University, Palestine

Mari Noda, Ph.D.
"The extended predicate and confrontational discourse in Japanese"
Professor in Japanese, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Ohio State University

Johan Seynnaeve, Ph.D.
"From West Germanic to Modern Dutch: A Typological Change in the Vowel System"
Previously a Professor at West Virginia University

Chih-Chen Tang, Ph.D.
"Chinese Phrase Structure and the Extended X-bar Theory"
Emeritus Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


Ileana Comorovski, Ph.D.
"Discourse and the Syntax of Multiple Consituent Questions"
Université de Lorraine, France

Enrique Mallen, Ph.D.
"The Internal Structure of Determiner Phrases"
Professor in the Languages Department at Sam Houston State University

Barbara Vance, Ph.D.
"Null Subjects and Syntactic Change in Medieval French"
Associate Professor in Linguistics & French and Italian, Director of Undergraduate Studies, French,  Indiana University Bloomington

Franziska Bedzyk, M.A.

Catherine Célingant, M.A.
Executive Director, Data Monitoring & Management - Oncology TA Lead at Pfizer

Gunhild Lischke, M.A.
"German spatial prepositions and their metaphorical use in verb-preposition combinations"
Language Program Director & Senior Lecturer, Department of German Studies, Cornell University

Chunyan Ning, M.A.
"The overt syntax of relativization and topicalization in Chinese"
Institute of Linguistics, Tianjin Normal University, China

Kazuyo Otani, M.A.
"VP Deletion in Japanese"

Ana Perez-Girones, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of Spanish and Education Studies, Wesleyan University


Prathima Christdas, Ph.D.
"The Phonology and Morphology of Tamil"
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Molloy College & Queensborough Community College

Joel Fagan, Ph.D.
"Experiments in Automatic Phrase Indexing For Document Retrieval:A Comparison of Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Methods"

Shoko Ikuta, Ph.D.
"Strategies of Requesting in Japanese Conversation Discourse"

Margaret Milliken, Ph.D.
"Phonological Divergence and Intelligibility: A Case Study of English and Scots"

Stuart Milliken, Ph.D.
"Protosyllables: A theory of underlying syllable structure in nonlinear phonology"

Oluremi Comfort Sonaiya, Ph.D.
"The lexicon in second language acquisition : a lexical approach to error analysis"
Nigerian Politician, National Public Relations Officer, KOWA Party, Formerly Professor of French Language and Applied Linguistics at Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria

Chao-Fen Sun, Ph.D.
Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and, by courtesy, of Linguistics, Stanford University

M. William Wykoff, Ph.D.
Retired Independent Higher Education Professional

Reiko Yamada, Ph.D.
"Pragmatics and sociolinguistics of -tara and -(r)eba in Japanese conversational discourse"
Emeritus Professor of Japanese, Asian Studies, Williams College

Ana Echavarri-Dailey, M.A.
"Basque and Binding Theory"
Professor, Spanish and French, Language Studies, Humanities Department at Prince George's Community College


Iris Belinda Alemán, Ph.D.
"Agreement and the ECP"

Richard Horodeck, Ph.D.
"The Role of Sound in Reading and Writing Kanji"
Attorney, founder of consulting firm HedgeJapan

Chu-Ren Huang, Ph.D.
Chair Professor, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Willem Pet, Ph.D.
"Lokono Dian, the Arawak Language of Suriname: a Sketch of its Grammatical Structure and Lexicion"

Wendy Snyder, Ph.D.

Lynne Dotzenroth, M.A.
"Are There Grammatical Constraints on Juvenile Code-switching?"

Kenneth Vesey, M.A.


Omar Afzal, Ph.D.
Retired Linguist, South East Asian Assistant, Cornell University

Atsuko Kondoh, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo

Wendy McDermott, Ph.D.
"On Defining Linguistic Deficiency as a Cause of Reading Difficulty"
Educational Consultant, President of GoodSense English LLC

Marit Vamarasi (neé Kana), Ph.D.
"Grammatical Relations in Bahasa Indonesia"
Instructor at Olivet Nazarene University

Donna West, Ph.D.
"The Acquisition of Person and Space Deictics: a Comparison between Blind and Sighted Children"
Professor, Modern Languages Department, SUNY Cortland

Kazuhiko Yoshida, Ph.D.
"The Hittite Mediopassive Endings in -ri"
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

Elizabeth (Liz) Leung, M.A.
"The Tonal Phonology of Llogoori: A Study of Llogoori Verbs"
Director of Digital Transformation at Epson America

Stephen McClure, M.A.
ESL instructor, the Tutorium in Intensive English at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Maria Yepez, M.A.


Susan Kesner Bland, Ph.D.
"The Action Nominal in English"
Extensive experience in teaching English as a second language and English as a foreign language

Stanley Dubinsky, Ph.D.
"Union Constructions in Japanese: a Unified Analysis of -sase and -rare"
Professor, Linguistics Program, English Department, University of Southern Carolina

Steven Franks, Ph.D.
"Matrices and Indices: Some Problems in the Syntax of Case"
Emeritus Professor, Indiana University Bloomington

Christiane Laeufer, Ph.D.
"Some Language-Specific and Universal Aspects of Syllable Structure and Syllabification: Evidence from French and German"
Formerly Associate Professor in French and Italian at  The Ohio State University

Jose Padilla-Rivera, Ph.D.
"On the Definition of Binding Domains in Spanish: The Roles of the Binding Theory Modula and the Lexicon"

Polly Szatrowski, Ph.D.
"The Function of Tense-Aspect Forms in Japanese Conversations: Empirical and Methodological Considerations"
Professor of Japanese Language and Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics, University of Minnesota

Karen Fisher-Nguyen, M.A.
"The Syntax and Semantics of Anaphora in Khmer"
Linguist, Teacher, and Independent Scholar

Ellen Heavner, M.A.
Analyst, Business Development & Communications at Jones Day

Elizabeth Hengeveld, M.A.
Retired attorney

Yuko Kageyama-Hunt, M.A.
Senior Preceptor in Japanese, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

Kyoko Suzuki, M.A.


Yung-O Biq, Ph.D.
"The semantics and pragmatics of cai and jiu in Mandarin Chinese"
Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Mary Beckman, Ph.D.
"Towards Phonetic Criteria or a Typology of Lexical Accent"
Emeritus Professor, The Ohio State University

Dede Oetomo, Ph.D.
"The Chinese of Pasuruan: a Study of Language and Identity in a Minority Community in Transaction"
Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Special Tenured Lecturer at Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA), LGBT rights activist,Indonesia

Jerome Packard, Ph.D.
"A Linguistic Investigation of Tone Laterality in Aphasic Chinese Speakers"
Professor of Chinese and Linguistics, Department of East Asian Languages and Culture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Elizabeth Ungar, Ph.D.
"A Syntactic and Semantic Model for the Analysis of Relative Clauses in English and Hebrew"
Independent Contractor

Patricia Wetzel, Ph.D.
"Uti and soto (in-group and out-group): Social Deixis in Japanese"
Emerita Professor of Japanese, Portland State University

Sachiko Awai, M.A.
"The Acquisition of the Usage of  Polite Speech in Japanese"
Outside Director and Board Member, Infocom Corp., Japan

Christopher Barnard, M.A.

John Hanson, M.A.

Susan Horn, M.A.
"On the Location, Structure and Function of INFL"

Kathleen Yamane, M.A.
Professor, Department of Literature, Nara University, Japan


Elizabeth Card, Ph.D.
"A Phonetic and Phonological Study or Arabic Emphasis"

Suzanne Flynn, Ph.D.
"A Study of the Effects  of Principal Branching Direction in Second Language Acquisition: The Generalization of a Parameter of Universal Grammar  from First to Second  Language Acquisition"
Professor of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, MIT 

Paul King, Ph.D.

Madeleine Newfield, Ph.D.
"Typological Perspectives on Morphological Innovation"

James Barnett Jr, M.A.
Retired, author, formerly director of the Historic Properties Division with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Peggy Chuarles, M.A.
"The Colloquial Bahasa Indonesia of Bandung, West Java: A Study in Linguistic Interference"

Morio Hamada, M.A.
"Referential Choices in Theme, Subject,  and Ellipsis in Written Narrative Discourse: A Case Study of Japanese Folktales"

Yukiko Katagiri, M.A.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University

Ichiro Morinaga, M.A.
Senior of Counsel, Covington & Burling Law Firm, Washington

Maria Saiz, M.A.
Scale Manager, Cogstate, MA


Mohammed El-Yasin, Ph.D.
"Voice phenomena in Jordanian Arabic"
Formerly Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

Louis Mangione, Ph.D.
"The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Causative, Passive and 'ba' Constructions in Mandarin"
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, Temple University

Susan McCormick, Ph.D.
"Vowel Harmony and Umlaut: Implications for a Typology of Accent"
Owner/Instructor, Learning Clinic

H. Merle Knight, M.A.
Writer, translator and private investigator and educator

William Reis, M.A.
Associate Professor of English Language, Doshisha Women's College, Kyoto Japan


Kamal De Abrew, Ph.D.
"The Syntax and Semantics of Negation in Sinhala"
Formerly Professor at American National College and University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Elaine Schuetz, M.A.

Joyce Tomasowa, M.A.

BA Alumni

Class of 2025

Nicholas Chernogor
Joan Chirinos (minor)
Victoria Franklin
Alice Liu (minor)

Class of 2024

David Baker
Jordan Blitz (minor)
Willow Brawley (ASL minor)
Julianna Castlegrant (ASL minor)
Lauren Celardo (ASL minor)
Kim Dongho (minor)
Ethan Goldman
Amy Gong (minor)
Dylan Jackaway (minor)
Caleb Kimble
Ethan Kovnat (minor)
Grace Lee (minor)
Christine Madden
Sujin Moon
Vinh Nguyen
David Ovetsky (minor)
Claire Parmenter
Emily Pecsok
William Serrano
Grace Shan
Destiny Smith (minor)
Halle Swasing (ASL minor)
Simon Ucedavelez (minor)
Katherine Urena (minor)
Kimberly Valadez
Emory Walsh (minor)
Katharine Wang
Edie Will
Fiona Yang (minor)

Class of 2023

Aidan Ackerman
Andrew Amadeo
Gordon Copeland (minor)
Annika Dahlin (minor)
Brandon Diaz (minor)
Grace Gu
Isaac Herzog
Brian Kim
Carley Kukk
Cassidy Langenfeld
Alexander LaPorte
Ye Liu
Shannon Mulroy
Jaden O'Brien (minor)
Alyssandra Ortanez
Reetu Parikh (minor)
Rhea Sinha (minor)
Laura Schroeder
Grace Stasolla
Jocelyn Sun (minor)
Tia Vu (minor)
Altria Wang
Lifan Zeng (minor)

Class of 2022

James Adair (minor)
Connor Anderson (minor)
Brian Arenas (minor)
Aashna Brahmbhatt
Silas Brainard
Ivy Braxton Harrington
Juan Cancel
David Chen
Chuntian Chi (minor)
Devin Chin (minor)
Scout Coker
Amy Crouch
Yagmur Dulger (minor)
Joy Hendrix (minor)
Cole Horvath
Minyoung Hwang
Shefali Janorkar (minor)
Chloe Kalani
Andy Kim
Sophia Lee
Joshua Lomasney
Jessica Lu (minor)
Caroline Lui (minor)
Dubem Ogwulumba (minor)
Nobonita Paul (minor)
Alexander Ross
Kayla Matthea Shames
Hannah Sheehan
Eliot Shekhtman (minor)
Dongmin Shin
Dana Slayton (minor)
Nate Thompson (minor)
Matthew Walenta
Joonhyeong Yoon
Jennifer Zhao
Shuya Zhao

Class of 2021

Mitch Arnold
Debasmita Bhattacharya (minor) 
Nisa Burns
Marisabel Cabrera
Sarah Castor (minor)
Corinne Cioffi
Isabella DiGiovanni
Lucia Gomez
Claire Jones (minor)
Olivia Kaiafas (minor)
Lauren Kessler
Sungmin Kim (minor)
Elise Kronbichler (minor)
Oliver Leung (minor)
Kristi Lim
Angela Liu (minor)
Joshua Mann
Dana Meskan
Isaac Murphy
Ashrita Raman (minor)
Rebecca Sabin
Walter Shaw
Liz Stell
Shreya Subramanian (minor)
Ally Zhang
Josh Zheng

Class of 2020

Charlie Accurso
Sasha Badov (minor)
Nassima Boukhalfa
Nicole Bradbury
Gabriel Buffey
Nellie Butler (minor)
Sourabh Chakraborty (minor)
Kalen Chang
Derek Cheng (minor)
Graham Cohen (minor)
Hannah Dahl
Sophia Evans
Michael Golden
Mark Jones
Tingwei Liu (minor)
Chase Meyer
Rachel Nash (minor)
Catherine Sadoff (minor)
Hans Slechta
Troy Smith (minor)
Benjamin Steeper
Kairui Sun (minor)
William Timkey
Claudia Torres
Melik Yuksel
Bill Zhao

Class of 2019

Javier Agredo
Lavanya Aprameya
Varun Biddanda (minor)
Katrina Bootes (minor)
Anya Harter
Marissa Holl
Hannah Peirce
Roberto Romeu
Abiey Tibebu (minor)
John Trujillo
Harrison Unruh (minor)
Eric Wang (minor)
Leah Wank
Daniel Weber (minor)
Catherine So Young Yoo

Class of 2018

Jessica Brofsky (minor)
Paige DeLoach
Avery Faucette (minor)
Jose Armando Fernandez Guerrero
Severine Hex (minor)
Joel Hoover (minor)
Gwen Kahler
Andrew Kott
Lauren Levine
Liane Longpre (minor)
Jaelyn Moore
Laura Moraff
Paola Ocampo
Alexander Renda (minor)
Shiven Srivastava (minor)
Noah Sterling
Alyssa Trigg
Martha Wolfe
Stephanie Yan (minor)
Skyler Yeatman

Class of 2017

Christian Brickhouse
Matthew Crescimanno
Jagravi Dave
Haley Deibel
Katey Huddleston
Nathaniel Hunter
Greta Jenkins
Flora Kielland (Jan 2017)
Niels Kuehlert
Melody Li
Matthew Linden
Patrick Niedzielski
Veronica Osborn
Elisha Sword
Nigel VanderWoude
Andy Wong
Brian Young

Class of 2016

Frederick Callaway
Caile Collins (Jan 2016)
Colleen Cournoyer
Blake (Christian) Dauphinais
Christian De La Paz
Katherine Flood
Nathan Gelb-Dyller
Emma Lantz
Jonathan Masci
Shishir Nair (Aug 2016)
Amin Nikbin
Eric Ricciardi
Michael Sosnick
Madeline Tingle

Class of 2015

Hana Bae 
Sarah Birmingham 
Danielle Burgess
Brendan Dion 
Elana Feldman 
Nathan Floro 
Adam Gianforte 
Sarah Gutz 
Ruby Ogno 
Christina Pedrin Westrem 
Eric Pesner 
Sylvan Whitmore

Class of 2014

Abigail Brown (Jan 2014)
Julia Buffington
Zachary Callaghan
Dominique Corley
Julia DiPiazza
Chantal Hoff
Elizabeth Houze
Jaclyn Jeffrey-Wilensky
Jordan Needle
Michael Schramm
Amanda Sevcik
Krystal Sze
Lilly Zhang

Class of 2013

Martha Austin 
Jenna Chaffee
Aletheia Cui 
Jennifer Fischell 
Caitlyn Flynn (Jan 2013)
Ksenia Kriksunov (Jan 2013)
Jie Min 
Robin Perelli 
Scott Reu 
Helen Tian 
Rachel Wong

Class of 2012

Annie Bass
Angelina Brown
Claire Cordella
Sam Ferenc
Brian Freitas
Chorok Hwang
So Young Kim
Eliana Levavi (Jan 2012)
Zhengyang Lu
Emily Magaziner
Nathan Nicholson
Paul Picinich
Irina Potopova
Jennifer Powell
Jennifer Proctor
Caitlyn Short

Class of 2011

Ashley Dong
Hannah de Kleer
Hannah Guthrie
Miriam Nussbaum
Kathryna Pitt
Ben Reich
Elizabeth Troyer 
Alessandra West
Jordan Whitlock
Kimberly Will
Steven Xu

Class of 2010

Priscilla Cunha
Ryan Fan
Jared Foelsch
Alexandra Harlig
Daniel Kenkel
Kyung-Ah Kim
Caroline Preus
Melanie Redeye
Pavel Vodenski
Anna Waldon

Class of 2009

Marisa Brook
Trevor Caira
Rebecca Fortgang
Brian Gainor
Samantha Goldberg
Amy Graziano
William Price
Morgan Ulinski
Mohan Zhang

Class of 2008

Sarah Andrus
Oren Berman
Anthony Cardell
Lauren Cohen
Margaret Fandrich
Katherine Geenberg
Nina Glatthorn
Sally Kim
Mark Lee
Umi Miyahara
Danielle Nelson
Oliver Northrup
Laura Suttle
Andrea Thompson

Class of 2007

Laura Alves
Brian Amos
Daniel Bickley
Jedediah Drolet
Stacia Eggleston
Matthew Tucker
Laura Zabele

Class of 2006

Byron Ahn
Hannah Appelbaum
Russell Berryman
Donald Black
Elspeth Clark
Michelle Dixon
Aaron Dulles-Coelho
Ann Eisenberg
Samuel Firke
Annie Gagliardi
Patrick Hegde
Grace Liu
Katharine Pan 
Aaron Sommers
Ariane Tulloch
Aaron Wilkins

Class of 2005

Daniel Auerbach
Holly Banfield
Elizabeth Burnham
Katherine (Conlon) Develyn
Scott Danner
Kathleen Devlin
Tanya Ellerbrock
Andrew Jonas
Wynnie Lamour
Catherine Mendez
Joanne Orhue
Krishna Raghavan
Rebecca Tucker
Susan Walker

Class of 2004

Will Argetsinger
Sarah Baptist
Andrew Callegari
Amanda Dalola
Amelia Dougherty
Rebecca Farber
Gustavo Figueroa
Theresa Fives
David Friedland
Michelle Fullwood
Marisa Genuardi
Anna Henson
Jennifer Jones
Daniel Levenson
Susan Moskwa
Jessica Nauright
Jennifer Rodriguez
Zachary Rood
Isaac Spencer
Vasanth Sriram
Lisa Van

Class of 2003

Jessica Bauman
Charmion Browne
Ryan Ducket
Molly Finn
Lana Lau
Daniel Lenski
Brian Lowe
Andrea Pantor
Irene Pollock
Neal Racinowski
Jessica Thaler
Noa Walsky
Christopher Wells
Carla Wettig

Class of 2002

Matt Bosch
Sevasti Drossos
Siobhan Dubin
Linda Ely
Emily Kishel
Nicole Marcus
Bonnie Puckett
Christina Sohn
Matt Teichman
Alice Tu
Carolyn Turett
Matt Underhill

Class of 2001

Rosa Allison
Michael Armer
Julia Bozzolo
Gina Cardillo
James Curcio
Emily Green
Sarah Kayfetz
Katherine (Nalevanko) Baker
Kirill Tolpygo
Michelle Yu

Class of 2000

Erwin Chan
Kell Chesbro
Clifford Crawford
Anna Korpak
Melissa Mallery
Jessica Megill
Eric Schoenbaechler

Class of 1999

Kristina Buhrman
Marjorie Freedman
Christian Fricke
Yana Karalnik
Anne Koehne
Amy Lai
Ingrid Lee
Katherine Ng
Armando Nunez
Timothy O'Donnell
Conor Quinn
Han Rhee
William Todd

Class of 1998

Kisuh Ahn
Felix Arellano
Thomas Chan
Stephanie Chiu
Julie Goldberg
Daniel Klein
Karla Lambert
Catherine (Meeks) Schwiebert
Robert Podesva
Emily Quarles
Maya Ravindranath

Class of 1997

Catherine Fountain
David Greenberger
Beth (Martin) Quittman
Jason Peck

Class of 1996

Adam Albright
Erik Brynolfson
Julia Chou
Timothy Cosgrove
Anika Daniels
Bridget Garcia
David Garrett
Tani (Gelbwachs) Nagaoka
Ken Lacy
Stucky Maura
Jennifer Pan
Lawan Sahaditgul
Amy Vigorita
Thomas Werner
Serena (Wong) Kachlany

Class of 1995

Eric Hedman
Frank Jary
Dong Min Kang
Ann Tu
Peter Vinogradov

Class of 1994

Roger Chang
Jessica Bellinder
Hans Grohmann
Brooks Lawrence
Matthew Makashay
Steven Rudin
Gloria Son

Class of 1993

Mia Blackler
Paul Epstein
Katherine Lockwood
Joanna Lowenstein
Heather McLeod
Norvin Richards
Eric Scheirer
Jennifer Smith

Class of 1992

Melissa Ditmore
Munkyung Kang
Emily Marton
Andrew McMillin
Marina Rolbin
Michael Rosner
Doris Vissicchio

Class of 1991

Constance Anderson
Cristina Boccuti
Jennifer Clark
Jennifer Dean
Heather Gilmer
Andrew King
Wendy Leynse
Craig Miles
Melissa (Sherman) Rothberg
Brian Yeager

Class of 1990

Kirsten Brock
Brian Busch
Susan Chikuba
Lorrie Goodplan
Robyn Kells
Elizabeth Pyatt
Bradley Delman
